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A Note From Pastor Andrew

Greetings, FLC!

I hope by now you have heard me mention the new Spiritual Formation Committee that I will be heading up this year. This committee will function in a similar manner as to how the Education Committee did in the past but with a more comprehensive focus of the task of spiritual formation. While we strive to be a church that worships together, learns together, serves together, celebrates and weeps together, al of those expressions happen because of how we are spiritually formed. This committee then will consider all our members, from youngest to oldest, and plan creatively how we might all be empowered to express our faith through word and deed.

One of the first actions of this committee will be focused on is selecting a book for a study on prayer and working to renew the intercessory prayer group. While prayer can feel daunting because it seems we need to say profound spiritual words, I like to think of prayer ni the same way as some of the mystics of long ago – that is, as a kind of attention. A way of attending to the moment, as much listening as it is speaking. Attention to the presence of God and acknowledgement of all as children of God.

I hope you’ll consider either joining this committee or participating in the book study. The Spirit is moving at Faith Lutheran empowering us to be disciples of Christ.

May the peace of Christ guard your hearts,

Pr. Andrew

Read more from the February newsletter and previous newsletters. Also visit the Calendar page to know more about Faith Lutheran Church in Columbus, Wisconsin.